Saturday, February 5, 2011


Doug Schwab - Artist, Photographer, Educator

Doug Schwab is a Brooklyn based photographer. His current work is driven by his passion for photographing people and printing these pictures in the platinum/palladium medium and the gum bichromate method, both of which are 19th Century photographic techniques.

Doug Schwab was self-taught and working as a staff photographer for the major defense contractor ITT when he first took classes in photography. It was at this time that he studied with George Tice and Lisette Model.

He sees photography as a simple craft that can be a wonderful combination of technology and self-expression. This and his passion for photography drive his work.

For many years Schwab was a Leica enthusiast, but about 10 years ago he began working creatively with view cameras, that prior to that had always been a commercial photography tool.

He continues to work with an 8 x 10 view camera, and lately he's using digital negatives generated by smaller cameras as well. Schwab's work can be seen in galleries and alternative spaces throughout New York City and Brooklyn where Schwab is an Assistant Professor of Photography at Brooklyn College.

Links to Doug Schwab's work:

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